Spine Care South Florida

Delray Beach, Florida
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Welcome to the Spine Institute of South Florida located in Delray Beach, Florida. We are a comprehensive spinal care center that treats disorders of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. Our expertise is in degenerative conditions of the spine (spinal stenosis/disc herniations), deformity of the spine (scoliosis), spinal tumors, and traumatic spinal injuries. Our fellowship-trained surgeons provide total neck and back pain management from initial conservative care, including pain-management options, to offering the latest technology and most advanced techniques. We specialize in many procedures of the spine, including: Laminectomy, Microdiscectomy, Artificial Disc Replacement, Spinal Fusion, Balloon Kyphoplasty, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Epidural Injections, Microscopic Surgery, and Deformity Correction.

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© 2025, Spine Institute of South Florida | 5210 Linton Blvd. Suite 103 Delray Beach, Florida 33484
Tel 561-381-4271 | Fax 561-381-4273